dimarts, 1 de juny del 2010



Manel is a group of music original pop of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) that sings in Catalan. They threw to the market his first album in 2008. They define his style as pop, though in his music own elements of the music are perceived folk. In the opinion of some critics, they guard stylistic elements jointly with other artists catalanoparlantes as Pau Riba, Jaume Sisa and Antònia Font.


The components of the group were known in his school epoch, in the Barcelonian college Coast i Llobera. They were announced in the contest of models Sona9 of 2007, in which they remained finalists and gained the Premi Joventut; with the received amount they financed the recording of his album of début.
In 2008 they threw his first disc under the title of Els millors professors europeus (" The best European teachers "), which refers to a verse of the song Pla quinquennal. The album recorded in the Estudis Nòmada 57 between June and October, 2007 and published by Discmedi, was valued well by the critique. The Catalan magazine Enderrock granted the prize to him to the best disc pop-rock of the year. Rockdelux classified it under his number of January, 2009 as the best third Spanish disc of the year and the magazine MondoSonoro located it in the seventh position in the same category.
The video of the topic Donates estrangera, directed by Sergi Perez, it gained the prize to the best pop video of the festival Cinemad of 2008.
Besides the songs of Els millors professors europeus, in Manel's digest the versions are habitual, between others, of Not t'enyoro of Els Pets, The torture of Shakira and Pulp's Common People.


Arnau Vallvé: voice, battery, percussion.

Martí Maymó: voice, down, double-bass, clarinet and sweet flute.
Roger Padilla: voice, guitar, banjo, melodic, mandola.

Guillem Gisbert: principal voice.

This is the most popular song of this group.

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