dilluns, 24 de maig del 2010



The bigginings of Train took place in seven years ago when Monahan met Rob hotchkiss, the former lead singer of Apostles,when thy lived in Los Angeles. They moved to Sant Francisco and began performing in a café with stage. Soon Pat and Rob rounded his acustic sound with Jimmy Stafford's incorporation (main guitar) and Charlin Colin (bass), former collegues of Hotchkiss from Apostles and shortly thereafter joined Scott Underwood as drummer training. This occured in 1994 and since then they have been on tour,passing in caffes, small performings, and as principal artists in his own concert.

After to stop of 3 years they returns to the market with his fifth disc '' save me San Francisco''. Presenting it seize the first single this '' hey soul sister'' with great success in the United States coming to the number 3 in the American BillBoard.


Here you can known and listen some songs that Train had made, starting with the oldest and finishing with the most yongers.

1.Free: it was the first single that Train made, it was in 1998.

2. Meet Virginia: this one was the second single that they made, it was in 1999.

3.Drops of Jupiter ( tell me) : this one was the second album that they make, it was made between 2000 and 2002.

4.Calling all angels: was made in 2003.

5.Cab: was the first single from For Me, it's you, in 2006. And the most popular song from the album.

6.Hey soul sister: on August 11, 2009, they first single in over 3 years and it's from their fifth studio album, Save me San Francisco.

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